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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

A man survived for 46 hours in 63 degree waters in the golf of Mexico near Tampa Florida. Doctors say that it’s a miracle he survived.

Today is the aniversery of the Russians liberating the peole trapped in Auschwitz. I think it is good to remeber the end the pain of so many people.

I found a story about Obama’s Inaguration in the Fiji paper. It explained a lot about how this would start another begging and about  a more prefect equality betweent races. It also established all the things that Obama was going to have to take on, but the people of Fiji believe he is the right man for the job. Want to know more about Fiji’s prespective on the Inaguration CLICK  HERE.

Look at this cat it has four ears (incase you couldn’t count.) Yoda is a cat that lives in Chicago, Illinois and is like any other cat exept for having four ears. Weird, want to know more CLICK HERE


John travolta’s son died during the New Year holiday due to a seizure while they were vacationing in the Bahama’s. That stinks and I feel bad for his freinds and family. Want to know more CLICK HERE.

 The dog that won the worlds ugliest dog title this last summer has died after a Fight with cancer. Want to know more Click Here.

Yesterday the Green Bay Packers totally crushed the Colts with the final score being 34 to 14. Amazingly two of these scores were actually scored off of intersepsions made by the defence. One was a 99 yard run by Rouse to a touch down in the fourth quarter. I think the Packers played an exilent game. 


A few days ago, a man that went to UWM college was murdered. What happened is that the man was selling a car and some people called and were interested in buying it, they went over to take a look at the car and that’s when he when missing, he was later found dead. the people/person, that killed the man were later found. But the two things I think that makes it all the sadder, that they killed him trying to steal a car, and my mom works with the father of the man that was killed.

The plane Steve Fossett was flying last year when he went missing has been found. but there was no sign of the millionaire adventurer any where. The plane seemed to be going head one towards the mountain side authorities say, and the engine was found about three hundred feet above the rest of the plane, it is very unlikely someone walked away from that.

Somali Pirates are standing off against American war ships off the coast of Africa. The cargo aboard the ship is raising concern as it might contain materials for chemical weapons.

Pirates With Stuff

May 2024