S8315544’s Weblog

Archive for September 2008

Somali Pirates are standing off against American war ships off the coast of Africa. The cargo aboard the ship is raising concern as it might contain materials for chemical weapons.

Pirates With Stuff

A 44-year-old surfer was bitten by a shark in the waters off Volusia County over the weekend, setting a record for the most recorded attacks in one year, said officials.The surfer was attacked Sunday afternoon near the jetty at Ponce de Leon inlet it was the county’s 23rd recorded shark bite of 2008.The attack breaks the record of 22 set in 2001, which was called “The Year of the Shark.”The surfer, who was bitten on the foot, did not get any serious injuries in the record-setting attack. Millions of people go into the ocean off Volusia County each summer, and only 23 have been bitten. Most of the victims are surfers.

Shark Story

A few hours before the Atlanta Braves game In Philadelphia, a camera crew was shooting a commercial of the team mascot shooting hot dogs out a launcher. but someone unintentionally left three of the duct taped hot dogs outside. Security the evacuated the stadium and called the bomb squad fearing the worst. When the bomb squad came and blew up the packages they realized that all they had blown up was wrapped hot dogs. Good thing it was just a hot dog.

Hot dog

Sometimes during home base or some other FREE TIME at school you have nothing to do and just sit there and rot. So here are a couple of links that might keep you from rotting. Or just two, I’ll add more tonight.

This Is Sand

Club Penguin


Hello peeps I don’t know what to write so I’ll just tell you about my school year so far. I’ve been hagging out with my new friend Shanaz, and other people, and hagging out with my friend Jamie at lunch since we are not in the sameĀ  class anymore. Then this last Friday me and Shanaz went to see the movie House Bunny. It was really a funny movie. Other than that I’ve been doing normal school stuff that you do in school, and that’s just about it.

Well After yesterday I haven’t traded anything so I still have my gigglator thing. After eight days I went from a pen, to a pig bean, to a gulf ball, to a long orange eraser with a smiley on it, to a little spider man note book to my gigglator and thats just about it.

It’ s a miracle yesterday after school I was able to trade my gulf ball for a long orange eraser with a smiley face on it with someone in my class. When I got home was able to trade that awesome eraser for a little Spider man note book then I traded the spider man note book for a Giggleator. A Giggleator works by talking into it and it morphs your voice, though it is kinda wierd right now cause it needs new batteries. And that’s all I traded on day seven.

Guess what…. I still haven’t traded but my brother says he might trade with me but he has to find what he wants to trade with so hopefully soon I’ll make a trade. If anyone wants to trade anything for a gulf ball comment me!!

No one seems to want to trade But I will trade soon I hope, but it is driving me nuts that I can’t trade. If anyone wants to trade for a gulf ball comment me.

I still haven’t been able to trade anything. But I have been talking to some people I know, and I think I will make another trade soon. Hopefully?!?

September 2008